Hands-On Therapy Done With Precision.

The way we move our body speaks volumes about our comfort - with our body, and ourselves. Bio-Somatic Massage Therapy focuses on making the outer body more comfortable and sustainable, while making the inner self more accessible and expressive.

Release Physical Stress

Stop letting physical stress ruin your body… and your life. Feel the difference. Live the result:

  • Reduce stress and increase relaxation 
  • Relieve pain, soreness, and tension
  • Address trauma held deep within your body
  • Regain movement, flexibility, and alignment
  • Move better with every session

Realign Your Posture

When posture gets compromised, that’s when the pain starts and the activities stop:

  • Feel your energy activated again
  • Become less stiff and restricted to allow more physical ease and energetic flow
  • Realign your posture to minimize physical problems 
  • Restore youthful flexibility, balance, and range of motion
  • Minimize the risk of injury while pushing your physical ability limits

Better Support Your Life

When you free the body, the mind will follow. Gain the mental clarity that emerges from physically releasing stress:

  • Reverse the negative impacts of constant sitting
  • Notice in your body what’s moving, what’s not moving, and what to do about it
  • Create beneficial dialogue between your mind and body
  • Experience emotional release through your body
  • Know your body like never before 

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What to Expect from a Massage Therapy Session

I’m good with my hands and clear in my intention. Your body possesses a built-in instinct to stretch, stay loose, and self-adjust. Our job is to help you access that.

Bio-Somatic Therapy simultaneously lengthens out your body while activating greater movement. This restores flexibility and range of motion. Literally hundreds of various movements are employed in each session.

We start by slowly moving your body in relation to mid-line, where all movement starts. Expanding movement away from mid-line comfortably loosens up your body.

Clients dress in loose fitting clothing, keeping their body covered while allowing freedom of movement. Your body will be lifted, lowered, shaken lightly, and gently stretched out, without excessive force or sudden, high-impact movements. Your body literally realigns itself to better accommodate the increased variety of movement.

At times, your body is held in specific positions or “poses,” exposing points of muscle tension which limits range of motion. Your body relaxes, lets down, releases tension, and lengthens back out. A greater variety of movement becomes possible again. 

Our Massage Therapy Works Best For Those Looking To:

  • Reestablish youthful range of motion and vitality
  • Release the negative effects resulting from old injuries
  • Facilitate their natural instinct to stretch and stay loose
  • Restore movement without excessive or high-impact force
  • Immediately expand range of motion and pain-free movement
  • Loosen tight joints
  • Address both the physical and emotional stresses of life
  • Master the ability to remove stiffness and restore mobility themselves

Reduce Technology’s Impact On Your Body

Watch A Demonstration

“I had a painful rotator cuff problem that drastically limited my movement and caused depression and anxiety. After several sessions, I’m pain free with almost 100% movement back in my shoulder. I also processed and released the associated anxiety. I’m in touch with my body like never before.” – GA Client.

We provide massage therapy from our Buford GA studio and occasional house calls.

Excessive screen time,  “tech neck,” and constant sitting does a number on our physical well-being – especially our posture.

These negative effects are difficult, but not impossible to overcome. Our massage therapy is specifically designed to course correct the impact of “technology overload.”
The more range of motion you develop and maintain, the more you can physically do. Putting your body through a range of motion reflects a core principle of our massage therapy. 

“I had several sessions with Will Nelson but I didn’t just receive treatment. I became educated and developed a relationship with my body. I came away with tools, knowledge, and a plan. No gimmicks, no fads, just straightforward teaching and an incredibly effective form of hands-on mind/body integration I can maintain myself.” – TX Client.

Start Eliminating the Trauma & Stress Stored in Your Body

Your body reacts to the dictates of your mind. Fear constricts. Hate tightens. Shock freezes. The body’s reaction to stimuli represents a natural occurrence.

Not letting these occurrences go, physically or mentally, leaves them lodged in your body, sometimes for years. This illustrates how you literally and physically carry your past around with you.

Living with repressed emotions and unresolved traumas resembles driving a car with the emergency brake on.

“By experiencing relief and freedom in my body, I finally “got” the connection between releasing the body and the effects on my mind. My life issues had literally lodged themselves in my body, dooming me to carry them around every day. I’ve connected with myself, in a way I had never experienced before.” – MI Client

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Your Body Manifests Emotions in Physical Reality

The body’s intelligence goes beyond equating fatigue with “doing too much.” When someone exclaims, “It doesn’t feel right in my gut,” they are referring to a bodily reaction they felt. 
Traumas impacting long-term behavior result from “unprocessed memory” – memory you appear stuck on or stuck with – as opposed to the memory of events that pass on by. If you live in reaction to the trauma, the trauma becomes “hard-wired.” Unprocessed memory becomes part of your body and part of you.
Once you “embody” enough stress/trauma, you begin manifesting pain and/or disease. Sometimes pain acts as a catalyst for confronting specific issues.  Sickness also manifests improved “physical morality,” i.e., taking better care of your body.

What Happens When You "Free Your Body"

We facilitate and interpret dialog between you and your body. This “energetic vibration” often reveals where you chronically carry stress and its sources.
Think of it as “body memory” – life experiences contained in the body’s musculature and activated by movement.
Fully resolving life issues may improve the associated movements, postural alignment, and cellular muscle memory involved.
There exists a power and immediacy when someone outside your inner circle quickly “gets your story” – without extensive dialogue and intellectualizing. This “cutting to the chase,” quickly connects various life themes holistically together. 

“As a man, I got conditioned to living with and ignoring pain, and not listening to my body. This work, along with Will’s unwavering guidance, convinced me otherwise. Pain is not a badge of honor, rather a destroyer of quality of life.  Little did I know all this when I first came in for shoulder stiffness.” – CA Client