You Spend a Lifetime in Your Body...It's Time to Enjoy It!

You have an instinct to stretch but haven't known how to use it until now. Once learned, you can properly stretch and exercise, stay loose, remain flexible, and move pain-free. VitalBody becomes part of your day, so you don’t have to take time out of your day. More reliance on yourself means less reliance on health care providers.

Release Stress & Pain

Stop the negative impact of excessive sitting, bad posture, screentime, and more:

  • Work on pain-points: neck, back, shoulder, hips, etc.
  • Learn how to alleviate muscle tension, aches, and stiffness
  • Shake out the manifestations of  stress and tension in your body – literally!
  • Learn how to self-maintain your posture and spine
  • Get the tools to move pain-free, like a kid!

Gain Mobility & Strength

Set your training and body goals and start achieving them: 

  • Unlock next-level movement and conditioning ability 
  • Do holistic workouts that hit all areas: strength, flexibility,  range of motion, and balance and coordination
  • Work on connective tissue pliability – one of the basics of longevity 
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy body that will last a lifetime

Sustain Your Physical Prime

Learn movement fundamentals to create your own holistic workouts: 

  • Take the guesswork out of working out 
  • Work with a Vitalogy Guide to create custom workouts 
  • Easily schedule exercise into your daily life
  • Build for sustainability – not “all or nothing, no pain no gain” sessions 
  • Ditch the critical self-talk and get on the same team as your body

Schedule a No Obligation Consultation

VitalBody's Foundation is "Movement Literacy"

I draw from 30 years as a Certified Exercise Physiologist and Restorative Movement Massage Therapist, developing programs that teach clients how to restore movement,  how to exercise anywhere, anytime, and how to compensate for technology’s impact on their body.

You learned the alphabet to read and write. Vitalogy teaches the “alphabet” of movement and exercise so you understand how your body moves, once and for all. 

You’ll discover a world of difference working with your body instead of on it. Ask yourself if you want to be the hardest or smartest worker in the gym. 

How would you care for your car if you only got one your whole life? Well, you only get one body. Once you know your body’s needs and capabilities. you maximize everything you do. 

“I have more flexibility, freedom of movement, and connection with my body. By just applying the principles and moving a few minutes with intention, I restore pain-free movement myself now when my body becomes stiff or painful.” – MI Client.

Provin' To Keep You Movin' For Life

  • Highly developed techniques for combining all four elements of exercise – strength, cardio, range of motion, and balance and coordination – simultaneously 
  • Asking the right questions to quickly determine the most sustainable exercise program for you
  • Taking you right where you are and using sequenced steps that make every moment spent on movement and exercise count
  • A balanced approach – working in harmony with your body along with a focus on being in shape and creating targets and goals
  • Reconciling your prior training and life experiences with your current beliefs about your body
  • Implement next level daily self-care that sustains your physical prime
  • Obtain the fundamental movement and exercise education to serve you for life
“As an office worker, I had poor posture from sitting all day. VitalBody prompted me to start exercising in earnest, become more aware of my posture, and take effective breaks from my computer work. VitalBody allows me to work much longer, more productively, and still have something left at the end of the day for myself.” – FL Client. 

Benefits of Increasing Your Range of Motion.

Manage Technology's Impact On Your Body... Or Else

With VitalBody, You'll Never Look Like This!

“I’ve been incredibly pleased. The very portable nature of the movements go well with the other things I do. I would give VitalBody an A for transferability to different surroundings, sustainability over time, and effectiveness in small spaces.” – CA Client.

Technology over-stimulates your mind and under-stimulates your body. Prolonged sitting and excessive screen time shaves years off your life. VitalBody provides the knowledge and practices to overcome this. Instead of skipping actions your body needs, we’ll provide you dedicated,  course-correcting skills to overcome “technology overload.”

Discover through VitalBody a whole world of movement using your desk, chair, a doorway, counter top, etc. – as well as dumbbells, balancing discs, exercise balls, and push up bars. 

Your vital body will function pain-free without excessive maintenance, exhibit a youthful persona, and move fluidly, without stiffness.

Imagine your body, loose and pliable like a child’s, having proper joint alignment and muscle activity, like an athlete.

VitalBody has proven effective in the clinical setting for over 30 years.

Schedule a No Obligation Consultation

Why Youth Equals Posture

Your posture governs  the efficiency, sustainability, and pain-free quality of all movement and exercise. Physical activity hindered by poor alignment, tight connective tissue, and compromised movement results in injury, discouragement, and inactivity.  

With poor posture, you can’t breathe properly. Breathing oxygen is the energy of life. Many people have bodies starving for air.

VitalBody physically releases daily stress as your body naturally lengthens and restores flexibility. With this renewed flexibility, your body can re-align itself to improve overall posture – a natural process just like breathing and digesting food.

Your body stays warmed up and ready for the activity of living. Release. Lengthen. Realign. VitalBody goes with you 24/7, without expensive equipment, and adjusts to your ability level.  

“As a computer programmer, I developed pain in my back, neck, and wrists. This seriously impacted my performance and livelihood. Within weeks of practicing VitalBody, I noticed a tremendous difference. Now it’s been several months, and I have incorporated the entire program into my daily life. All my pain has subsided. I work in total comfort for as long as I need.” – GA Client.

To sustain your physical prime, life today requires the right kind of movement - not just any movement.

Having Fun with Your Body is What Sustains the Prime of Your Life

Without fun, self-care mutates into a long, dreary road of drudgery. Having fun with your body and in your life keeps you young in mind and body. Having fun:

  • Encourages keeping your body warmed up and moving freely 24/7  
  • Better facilitates the changes you seek in your body while expanding the time available to do so
  • Makes for outcomes you want to create and support to get you there
  • Ensures better use of your available resources while improving your relationship with your body

Explaining How VitalBody Works

Your Body Shows Up For You. Time You Showed Up For It.

Clients Share Their Stories

  • Your body possesses an endless array of movement variations
  • VitalBody provides you the most variety of movement in the least amount of time
  • VitalBody replicates daily life activity – the best preparation for daily life
  • Movement itself is the precursor to exercise
  • Understanding what makes movement possible allows you to create sustainable movement and form the foundation for effective and sustainable exercise
  • All movement and exercise counts when you know what puts everything together

We consider your unique situation – age, lifestyle, chronic conditions, passions and interests – then formulate a program you can continue to grow for years to come.